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City Council


Kathleen Wertz



Amy Grabinski

Harold Gilpin

Bryce Wertz

Kathleen Koogler


The City of Yoncalla has five elected officials; the Mayor and four City Councilors. The Mayor is elected for a two-year term and the City Councilors are elected for four-year terms. The Mayor and at least half of the Council positions are up for election every two years. The positions are at large.


The City Council is responsible for setting policies with ordinances and resolutions.  They adopt an annual budget for the City after recommendation by the Budget Committee. The Mayor oversees council meetings and only votes in the event of a tie.


The City Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6pm at City Hall.  Meetings are advertised at the Post Office, City Hall, News Review newspaper and on this website.

City Counicl Agendas 2023
Council Minutes 2023

City Administrator


Jennifer Bragg

PO Box 508

Yoncalla, OR 97499

541-849-2152 x2

541-849-2552 Fax


Works under the direction of the City Council, which establishes policies and ordinances, the administrator implements and administers.​

 Utility Clerk

Sandra Harbaugh​

PO Box 508

Yoncalla, OR 97499

541-849-2152 x1

541-849-2552 Fax


Sandra is the billing clerk.

Planning Commission​

The Commission is responsible for implementing adopted land use plans, policies and codes for the current and long term growth and livability of the City.

The Planning Commission is made up of three members who are appointed by the City Council.



Amelia Grabinski, Chairman

Pauline Kingery


The Commission meets the third Tuesday of the month if there is an agenda, at City Hall at 7PM.

Public Works


The public works crew is made up of three workers.  They are responsible for operating the water treatment plant and distribution lines in addition to the wastewater treatment and collection systems.

Our crew are certified to operate these systems in addition to other public works task such as building maintenance, street repair, right of way mowing and much more.



Tony Rogers - Public Works Supervisor                                           Phone: 541-419-7958

Curtis Jones - Public Works Tech and Operator in Training             Phone: 541-430-4805

Jordon Aguilar - Public Works Operator in Training                        Phone: 541-529-9875

Budget Committee


This is a five member group in addition to the Mayor and City Councilors that take comment and review the annual budget as advertised. The budget committee approves the tax rate and recommends approval of the budget to the City Council.


Chelsea Joyner

Pauline Kingery

Greg Blanchfill

Mary Anne Duchscherer

City of Yoncalla, Oregon  |  2640 Eagle Valley Rd. Yoncalla, OR 97499  |  541.849.2152  |  Fax: 541.849.2552

Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm  Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

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